When It Rains It Pours
Song lyric
Song lyric
To write a limerick I triedBut instead of killing, it… Read More »A limerick about writing limericks
Good writers don’t want to use their words the way other people do.
* He sawed the woman in two. The thing is, he isn’t a magician.
This last essay was sent to us by the well-known… Read More »The Fountain of Youth, El Dorado, and Creative Writing Classes
To see imagery as mere ornament in a story is like seeing a man’s head as just a pedestal for his bonnet.
—William Shakespeare
Whatever one wishes to say, there is one noun only… Read More »Bad Advice From a Good Writer
First of all, it happened in another universe, and on… Read More »The True Fairy Tale of the Niffum and the Legab
A Haiku
Mr Salter’s side of the conversation was limited to expressions… Read More »Avoid. sentence. fragments
Sung to the tune of “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You”
The first thing to consider is the difference between the… Read More »Writer’s Diction
Before the Internet, we had to go to political rallies… Read More »The Passive Voice Speaks Out
Our next example is related to the word-parsimony fallacy but… Read More »Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Parts of Speech!?
For Cllotillda, on the verge of marriage, had lost her beloved. Not exactly lost—in fact he had died. And to be strictly accurate, it was Cllotillda who had killed him. With an arrow.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is… Read More »The Word-Parsimony Fallacy
Torkulweef say: We offered to introduce Tiresias, but he refused,… Read More »The Cast; the Plot
What is truth? Who wants to know!?
—Al Capone
And more wit and dubious wisdom from the many voices of Paul Barber
Torkulweef say: We offered to introduce Tiresias, but he refused,… Read More »Tiresias; an Apology of Sorts
As each day arrives, he will open up his mind.
To the suffering and joy he sees in all of humankind.
The musical scale goes on forever in both directions, dipping lower at one end and rising higher at the other.
If the magical system which is music is to be understandable, we have to have a “You Are Here” point on the location map.
An excerpt from A. A. Milne’s delightful book Once On a Time, as published in full at the Esoteric Library
This shortbread-like cookie recipe comes in a large and a jumbo size.
Why laughter is the best medicine. is short description of how you can be in the timeless now.
You tell me a painting hung upside down in a museum for years and nobody noticed? I say, great! A new perspective!
Sometimes They tell you things you need to hear
Sometimes They tell you things you shouldn’t hear
View Post This oatmeal cookie recipe is adapted from the… Read More »Oatey Biscuity Cookies for a Family of Five
I had been in one of those sleeps which do not let go of the heart,
And was thick-tongued and weepy, searching blindly in the dark sleeping car for my papers.
Astro, in the light of day, was jeans-clad and sneakered. She wore a white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up past her tanned forearms. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a tail, and gleamed with shiny health. “Anyway, I just wanted to apologise.” She held up the bouquet of roses.
the economic logistics of public transportation;
from our newest blog member, My Life on a Legal Pad
No one cared about old woodies. You threw them away and got another one. Who would believe that they would go for $90,000 in years to come? Not I, that’s for sure.
Lyrics are not complete as poetry. They are created with an additional element, and you just can’t take that away- it’s like printing a poem without any vowels. The music is integral to the form- most of the time.
looked at the book in my hand and smiled and said, oh you´ve got good taste! I looked up and said that yes I had endeed enjoyed this book. I then remembered having read another book by the same author, which I told the lady, and urged her to read it.
The little valley that we had driven into was inundated, flooded, overwhelmed by fireflies. It looked- silly.
An essay about BDSM terms. Adult subject, but not graphic or erotic in content.
Prepare your ingredients; Chop the Broccoli into very small florets.… Read More »A recipe for pasta with broccoli