A limerick about writing limericks
To write a limerick I triedBut instead of killing, it… Read More »A limerick about writing limericks
To write a limerick I triedBut instead of killing, it… Read More »A limerick about writing limericks
First of all, it happened in another universe, and on… Read More »The True Fairy Tale of the Niffum and the Legab
Sung to the tune of “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You”
For Cllotillda, on the verge of marriage, had lost her beloved. Not exactly lost—in fact he had died. And to be strictly accurate, it was Cllotillda who had killed him. With an arrow.
Torkulweef say: We offered to introduce Tiresias, but he refused,… Read More »The Cast; the Plot
What is truth? Who wants to know!?
—Al Capone
And more wit and dubious wisdom from the many voices of Paul Barber
Torkulweef say: We offered to introduce Tiresias, but he refused,… Read More »Tiresias; an Apology of Sorts
looked at the book in my hand and smiled and said, oh you´ve got good taste! I looked up and said that yes I had endeed enjoyed this book. I then remembered having read another book by the same author, which I told the lady, and urged her to read it.