As Each Day Arrives
As each day arrives, he will open up his mind.
To the suffering and joy he sees in all of humankind.
As each day arrives, he will open up his mind.
To the suffering and joy he sees in all of humankind.
Sometimes They tell you things you need to hear
Sometimes They tell you things you shouldn’t hear
I had been in one of those sleeps which do not let go of the heart,
And was thick-tongued and weepy, searching blindly in the dark sleeping car for my papers.
the economic logistics of public transportation;
from our newest blog member, My Life on a Legal Pad
No one cared about old woodies. You threw them away and got another one. Who would believe that they would go for $90,000 in years to come? Not I, that’s for sure.
The little valley that we had driven into was inundated, flooded, overwhelmed by fireflies. It looked- silly.